Listening and understanding how to properly answer in the IELTS exam is certainly not an easy task. In this section of the exam, you will hear accents from English-speaking countries, such as Canada, the USA, Britain, Australia and New Zealand. By understanding the exam and how to answer the questions, you’ll do fine.
Here is the breakdown of this lesson.
- The 4 IELTS Listening Sections and the contents within each
- Strategies regarding your OMR Answer Sheet
- Accents to expect
- The importance of synonyms
- Exactly what the instructions will say (so you don’t have to try to decipher them on exam day)
Step 1: Work through the self-access videos and do an exam simulation
Step 2: Get a score and a thorough analysis of your strengths and weaknesses
Step 3: Implement your individual study plan and repeat until you’re ready for the real exam!
Does this system work? YES!!! But only if you are willing to work hard.
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You are going to listen to a lecture and will need to fill in the blank spaces.
When you purchase our online lessons, you will have access to 3 complete listening exams, which is 120 questions in total!
You probably enjoy watching English movies and listening to English music. Is this enough to get a high score in your Listening test in IELTS? Not really, but it is certainly a great start. If you combine your love of listening in English with an understanding of what to expect on exam day, you will be prepared to get the score you need in this part of the exam!