For the Reading Section of your IELTS exam, you will have one hour to work through three scripts and answer 40 questions. By working through our lessons and practicing with the sample exams, this will be much, much easier and you will be on the right track to getting the score you need (and deserve!).
Here are the areas we will cover to make sure that you are adequately prepared for this step.
- The Three Circles Method in IELTS Reading
- Contextualizing content to find answers
- Time saving techniques in the IELTS reading test
- How to choose correctly when you have 2 correct answers
- Avoiding distractors in choosing the correct answer
- The differences and similarities between Academic and General
- Strategizing for the content of the 3 sections of the IELTS reading exam
- Understanding the 13 questions types and the techniques to use for each one
- Skimming, scanning and closing in on the correct answers
Step 1: Work through the self-access videos and do an exam simulation
Step 2: Get a score and a thorough analysis of your strengths and weaknesses
Step 3: Implement the feedback and repeat until you’re ready for the real exam!
Does this system work? YES!!! But only if you are willing to work hard.
Our teaching style
Just like all of the IELTS exam, your reading test gets more and more difficult as the exam carries on. This is why it is important to be ‘in the zone’ right away when starting this section of the exam. If you get everything correct in the easy parts of the reading test, that leaves more flexibility to make some mistakes later on in the exam and not have it affect your score.