For your IELTS exam, you will have a 14-minute speaking interview with an examiner. Instead of feeling like you need to “survive” the questions from the examiner, we will teach you to see the questions as opportunities to demonstrate your English knowledge!
Here is what we will discuss:
- The outline part 1, the introduction and interview of the exam.
- How to strategize for this part to demonstrate a high level of English to the examiner.
- Common topics
- Part 2 of the exam: The long turn!
- How to use your one minute of preparation time.
- What to do if you run out of things to say.
- Part 3: The Conversation.
- Making arguments and defending your position
- How to fine-tune your language to support your arguments
- The 3 Circles method of reaching a higher level in fluency
- Range vs. Accuracy in Lexical Resource Performance.
- 5 tricky situations that will come up during the exam and how to deal with them!
- How do the examiners assess the candidates? We will discuss this through a very thorough analysis of the IELTS Speaking Band Descriptors, which are available here: https://takeielts.britishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/IELTS_Speaking_band_descriptors.pdf
- The use of personal vs. general language in all 3 parts of the speaking test.
Step 1: Know the Speaking Exam Procedure second by second.
Step 2: Understand what the examiner is looking for an how the exam is scored.
Step 3: Strategize for each step of the exam to maximize your score!
At the end of these 3 steps, instead of thinking of these as questions you need to survive, we want you to think of the exam question as opportunities to demonstrate your language ability!
Our IELTS Speaking Exam Preparation Lessons
Here are the lessons you will have access to for 60 days!
